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Super form-exploring application chainEthereum has been the basis for many innovations, from Kitties to NFTs, including DeFi protocols for lending, asset management, and trading. However, as projects mature and find their niche in the market, they all encounter a common challenge: the pressure on Ethereum network resources. Projects such as AAVE, Uniswap, and dYdX all coexist in Ethereum, and each project uses limited computing resources to serve its users. It is in this case that this competition for network power can arise, negatively impacting the application and its users.

Super form-exploring application chain

Ethereum has been the basis for many innovations, from Kitties to NFTs, including DeFi protocols for lending, asset management, and trading. However, as projects mature and find their niche in the market, they all encounter a common challenge: the pressure on Ethereum network resources.
Projects such as AAVE, Uniswap, and dYdX all coexist in Ethereum, and each project uses limited computing resources to serve its users. It is in this case that this competition for network power can arise, negatively impacting the application and its users.
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Layer2’s road to change—Blast NetworkThe airdrop season for Blast is coming soon. Blast has been carrying an extraordinary color since the day it was born, and it also has the "three major" trouble-making genes that no one else has. It has a big cake and a big strength. From the perspective of the overall environment, everyone understood the logic of cutting leeks in the last cycle. The previous user incentives have been stuck in defi mining, but now it is different, especially after experiencing the FTX and LUNA incidents, everyone is clear My purpose in coming to the currency circle is not to overthrow Wall Street, nor to promote centralization. Therefore, in today's highly homogeneous infrastructure, compared with scalability and low gas fees, who can design better incentive policies and operating ecology and generate wealth creation effects is the most important.

Layer2’s road to change—Blast Network

The airdrop season for Blast is coming soon. Blast has been carrying an extraordinary color since the day it was born, and it also has the "three major" trouble-making genes that no one else has. It has a big cake and a big strength. From the perspective of the overall environment, everyone understood the logic of cutting leeks in the last cycle. The previous user incentives have been stuck in defi mining, but now it is different, especially after experiencing the FTX and LUNA incidents, everyone is clear My purpose in coming to the currency circle is not to overthrow Wall Street, nor to promote centralization. Therefore, in today's highly homogeneous infrastructure, compared with scalability and low gas fees, who can design better incentive policies and operating ecology and generate wealth creation effects is the most important.
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Near moves into modular blockchainAfter roughly counting, I have talked about modularity no less than ten times. It is really a cliché, but it has always maintained its popularity. Even with this recent market situation, it is still the main topic in the entire encryption industry, especially after experiencing the airdrops of several "King of Heaven" projects, Near @NEARProtocol has also recently embarked on its own journey in the field of modular blockchain. journey, and the team aims to be more than just another L1 replacement. After a brief summary, we will go directly to the topic of Near. A single blockchain like#Ethereumor#Solanaputs all its functionality into a single protocol that runs across the network. In contrast, modular blockchain divides its functionality into independent components called modules. With this approach, an aggregation or application can selectively select modules that align with its specific use case, eliminating the need to adhere to a one-size-fits-all blockchain model. Late last year, Near announced the launch of Near Data Availability (Near DA) and Super Fast Final Layer (SFFL) with Eigenlayer.

Near moves into modular blockchain

After roughly counting, I have talked about modularity no less than ten times. It is really a cliché, but it has always maintained its popularity. Even with this recent market situation, it is still the main topic in the entire encryption industry, especially after experiencing the airdrops of several "King of Heaven" projects, Near @NEARProtocol has also recently embarked on its own journey in the field of modular blockchain. journey, and the team aims to be more than just another L1 replacement.
After a brief summary, we will go directly to the topic of Near. A single blockchain like#Ethereumor#Solanaputs all its functionality into a single protocol that runs across the network. In contrast, modular blockchain divides its functionality into independent components called modules. With this approach, an aggregation or application can selectively select modules that align with its specific use case, eliminating the need to adhere to a one-size-fits-all blockchain model. Late last year, Near announced the launch of Near Data Availability (Near DA) and Super Fast Final Layer (SFFL) with Eigenlayer.
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BTC is 64,000, where will it go?Bitcoin is rising like an 18-year-old girl! Women have changed in their 18th century. The pie has grown so much that I don’t recognize it anymore! Yesterday I heard two voices in the group: "Bitcoin is going to reach a new high" and "Why isn't my copycat going up?" Indeed, this round of rising prices has caught 80% of people off guard. People who said they were ready to sell their houses before probably haven’t sold their houses yet. The effect of ETFs is indeed stronger than expected. Just like the domestic floods in 2008 and 2009, the transaction volume is refreshed every day. Moreover, the leeks haven't gotten on the train yet. Now the old leeks are afraid to get on the train, and the new leeks are on the wrong train. To be honest, the Fomo mood is not as good as the inscription some time ago. There are no stories that are a hundred times a thousand times better.

BTC is 64,000, where will it go?

Bitcoin is rising like an 18-year-old girl! Women have changed in their 18th century. The pie has grown so much that I don’t recognize it anymore! Yesterday I heard two voices in the group: "Bitcoin is going to reach a new high" and "Why isn't my copycat going up?"

Indeed, this round of rising prices has caught 80% of people off guard. People who said they were ready to sell their houses before probably haven’t sold their houses yet. The effect of ETFs is indeed stronger than expected. Just like the domestic floods in 2008 and 2009, the transaction volume is refreshed every day.

Moreover, the leeks haven't gotten on the train yet. Now the old leeks are afraid to get on the train, and the new leeks are on the wrong train. To be honest, the Fomo mood is not as good as the inscription some time ago. There are no stories that are a hundred times a thousand times better.
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Are you investing, speculating or gambling when you place an order recently?The BTC etf passed. Many people took advantage of this news to make a lot of money in the market, and some people liquidated their positions and lost money. Through the inscription hot spots of 2023, a wave of wealth myths from 0 to freedom are created. In 2023, many wealth-making stories have been achieved in the currency circle. Unfortunately, many people have liquidated their positions and quit the network. We can be said to be witnesses of industry legends as we are still following the market trends and chasing profits. Some people make huge profits, while others suffer huge losses. It’s all the same market trend. Why are the fates of people so different? To sum up the reasons, some people say leverage, some say margin, some say position, and some say courage. In fact, most of the factors are the result of decisions made by each person in different psychological states. We can classify these behaviors into three types: investment, speculation and gambling. Investment refers to the behavior of holding assets for a long time based on the analysis of the fundamentals of the assets. Investors usually conduct in-depth research on the assets they invest in, such as the project's own planning, industry prospects, etc. Basically, investment is a decision I make after careful consideration, and I have a psychological expectation. Before reaching my profit expectation or point, I will ignore any shocks. I firmly believe that the market will reach my target. In this case, I use rationality to fight against market fluctuations. Even if the market fluctuations are very violent, I can stay relatively calm compared to speculative dog betting. And continue to pay attention to changes in market fundamentals and long-term trends in the general market, pay attention to market news and developments, and be more likely to look for buying opportunities when the market falls, lower the cost of holding positions, and seek more room for growth. Continue to monitor fundamentals and market sentiment to determine whether to adjust your position strategy. The goal is firm, and I will hold the position when the market rises. I will hold the position until it reaches the target level and ship. Investors’ positions will all be fixed. In such a turbulent market as the blockchain, fixed investment or buying spot at low prices are a type of investment behavior. Those who hold spot in hand can be said to be value currency evangelists. Stay bullish. Can easily fall into panic.

Are you investing, speculating or gambling when you place an order recently?

The BTC etf passed. Many people took advantage of this news to make a lot of money in the market, and some people liquidated their positions and lost money. Through the inscription hot spots of 2023, a wave of wealth myths from 0 to freedom are created. In 2023, many wealth-making stories have been achieved in the currency circle. Unfortunately, many people have liquidated their positions and quit the network. We can be said to be witnesses of industry legends as we are still following the market trends and chasing profits. Some people make huge profits, while others suffer huge losses. It’s all the same market trend. Why are the fates of people so different? To sum up the reasons, some people say leverage, some say margin, some say position, and some say courage. In fact, most of the factors are the result of decisions made by each person in different psychological states. We can classify these behaviors into three types: investment, speculation and gambling. Investment refers to the behavior of holding assets for a long time based on the analysis of the fundamentals of the assets. Investors usually conduct in-depth research on the assets they invest in, such as the project's own planning, industry prospects, etc. Basically, investment is a decision I make after careful consideration, and I have a psychological expectation. Before reaching my profit expectation or point, I will ignore any shocks. I firmly believe that the market will reach my target. In this case, I use rationality to fight against market fluctuations. Even if the market fluctuations are very violent, I can stay relatively calm compared to speculative dog betting. And continue to pay attention to changes in market fundamentals and long-term trends in the general market, pay attention to market news and developments, and be more likely to look for buying opportunities when the market falls, lower the cost of holding positions, and seek more room for growth. Continue to monitor fundamentals and market sentiment to determine whether to adjust your position strategy. The goal is firm, and I will hold the position when the market rises. I will hold the position until it reaches the target level and ship. Investors’ positions will all be fixed. In such a turbulent market as the blockchain, fixed investment or buying spot at low prices are a type of investment behavior. Those who hold spot in hand can be said to be value currency evangelists. Stay bullish. Can easily fall into panic.
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Putting “security” on the shelves——EigenLayer​ Since EigenLayer introduced the concept of re-mortgage, the popularity of re-mortgage has also increased, gradually becoming one of the hottest topics; and EigenLayer has locked in a total value of more than $1 billion in a few months. And now there seems to be a consensus in the market that EigenLayer will become one of the most profitable "airdrop mining" projects this year. If you don’t say you understand, I understand and he doesn’t, only then will someone make money in this kind of business. When I first saw EigenLayer, I thought it was an imitation of Lido, with nothing to see, but recently I discovered that its goal is much more than that.

Putting “security” on the shelves——EigenLayer

Since EigenLayer introduced the concept of re-mortgage, the popularity of re-mortgage has also increased, gradually becoming one of the hottest topics; and EigenLayer has locked in a total value of more than $1 billion in a few months. And now there seems to be a consensus in the market that EigenLayer will become one of the most profitable "airdrop mining" projects this year. If you don’t say you understand, I understand and he doesn’t, only then will someone make money in this kind of business. When I first saw EigenLayer, I thought it was an imitation of Lido, with nothing to see, but recently I discovered that its goal is much more than that.
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Web3.0 concept implemented——DePINThe one who is best at telling stories and concepts is the currency circle. All kinds of activities come one after another. Inscriptions are finished, runes are made. Before the runes take off, DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure network) starts to be speculated again. In fact, DePIN's popularity has been on the rise in the past year, but it is a bit impersonal and difficult for people to understand. DePIN's core promise is to bring the principles of blockchain applications into the world of physical "things" and infrastructure, in short the "Internet of Things pro max" whether that's WiFi, security cameras or computing servers.

Web3.0 concept implemented——DePIN

The one who is best at telling stories and concepts is the currency circle. All kinds of activities come one after another. Inscriptions are finished, runes are made. Before the runes take off, DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure network) starts to be speculated again. In fact, DePIN's popularity has been on the rise in the past year, but it is a bit impersonal and difficult for people to understand. DePIN's core promise is to bring the principles of blockchain applications into the world of physical "things" and infrastructure, in short the "Internet of Things pro max" whether that's WiFi, security cameras or computing servers.
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AXIE classic returns, who can compete with GameFi?On November 22, @AxieInfinity officially announced the return of the classic, introducing game updates, including AXP inheritance, AXS reward pool, and competition to win the ultimate prize, the mysterious axe. In order to rekindle the enthusiasm for the game, Axie also changed the clearance requirements for entering the arena in previous games: in the first three days, the hard requirement of clearing 10 maps was cancelled, and players can enter the arena directly. At the same time, the energy requirement of the game has been removed, and players can play without any energy restrictions. The game updates have rekindled the passion of old players and the interest of new players; at the same time, blockchain games have been on the rise recently. Axie, the former blockchain game boss, announced an update at this time, which caused a sensation among many followers. In just 4 days, Axie Classic has reached 100,000 weekly active users. After the update is released, the disk will then start booting. In the absence of news or press releases, as the project gained momentum, the currency price of Axie rose significantly in the five days from the 22nd to the 27th, steadily going from 5.47 to 7.51, a 37% increase in 5 days. , the transaction volume of the entire network was 417.5 million US dollars, and reached the highest currency price in the second half of this year.

AXIE classic returns, who can compete with GameFi?

On November 22, @AxieInfinity officially announced the return of the classic, introducing game updates, including AXP inheritance, AXS reward pool, and competition to win the ultimate prize, the mysterious axe.

In order to rekindle the enthusiasm for the game, Axie also changed the clearance requirements for entering the arena in previous games: in the first three days, the hard requirement of clearing 10 maps was cancelled, and players can enter the arena directly. At the same time, the energy requirement of the game has been removed, and players can play without any energy restrictions. The game updates have rekindled the passion of old players and the interest of new players; at the same time, blockchain games have been on the rise recently. Axie, the former blockchain game boss, announced an update at this time, which caused a sensation among many followers. In just 4 days, Axie Classic has reached 100,000 weekly active users. After the update is released, the disk will then start booting. In the absence of news or press releases, as the project gained momentum, the currency price of Axie rose significantly in the five days from the 22nd to the 27th, steadily going from 5.47 to 7.51, a 37% increase in 5 days. , the transaction volume of the entire network was 417.5 million US dollars, and reached the highest currency price in the second half of this year.
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Revolutionary defi protocol FraxOnce upon a time, the goddess "Luna" was no longer synonymous with stability, but became a "bankruptcy" series. It just so happens that the V3 version of frax has been updated, so we take this opportunity to talk about Frax, which is known as the new and stable king. In the past ten years, the cryptocurrency world has expanded rapidly, and new innovative projects and technologies have continued to emerge. Frax Finance is one such high-profile project. So, what is Frax Finance? Frax Finance is a decentralized cross-chain protocol that aims to build a scalable, supply-flexible digital currency backed by algorithms and collateral.

Revolutionary defi protocol Frax

Once upon a time, the goddess "Luna" was no longer synonymous with stability, but became a "bankruptcy" series. It just so happens that the V3 version of frax has been updated, so we take this opportunity to talk about Frax, which is known as the new and stable king.
In the past ten years, the cryptocurrency world has expanded rapidly, and new innovative projects and technologies have continued to emerge. Frax Finance is one such high-profile project. So, what is Frax Finance? Frax Finance is a decentralized cross-chain protocol that aims to build a scalable, supply-flexible digital currency backed by algorithms and collateral.
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The right arm of Layer 2 network - application chainArticle originally published on November 2, 2023 I think investing in the application chain is the most profitable in the currency circle besides contracts, but the income is also the same, because the function of the application chain is fundamentally like an independent application. Opening the mobile application store requires so many apps. The competition for survival is still fierce. I have been telling you about modular blockchain in the previous issues. I wonder if you remember that there was a fat protocol "Fat Protocol Thesis". Now it seems that this was in line with the requirements of the project team at that time, but it was not suitable for the market requirements because at that time According to his logic there should be no modularity and application chaining.

The right arm of Layer 2 network - application chain

Article originally published on November 2, 2023
I think investing in the application chain is the most profitable in the currency circle besides contracts, but the income is also the same, because the function of the application chain is fundamentally like an independent application. Opening the mobile application store requires so many apps. The competition for survival is still fierce. I have been telling you about modular blockchain in the previous issues. I wonder if you remember that there was a fat protocol "Fat Protocol Thesis". Now it seems that this was in line with the requirements of the project team at that time, but it was not suitable for the market requirements because at that time According to his logic there should be no modularity and application chaining.
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Looking back at the "engine" of artificial intelligence - Acash NetworkArticle originally published on October 24, 2023 Let me start with a few words. Have you been convinced by yesterday's increase? Various news and various sectors are a bit of a turning point, but only a little. If you want to be really sure, you still have to wait until the macro conditions are met. There is no water. Everyone This ship cannot be lifted. In this kind of market situation, you must keep calm, hold the target in your hand, and wait for the flowers to bloom. My partner had a lot of AI except Ether. After waiting for a day, nothing happened. I almost changed positions. Fortunately, there were a few people who showed off at night, otherwise women would change their minds very quickly. It just so happens that I have been looking at sector engines recently. I talked about rwa and defi before. Today I will review an AI engine for you - Akash Network.

Looking back at the "engine" of artificial intelligence - Acash Network

Article originally published on October 24, 2023
Let me start with a few words. Have you been convinced by yesterday's increase? Various news and various sectors are a bit of a turning point, but only a little. If you want to be really sure, you still have to wait until the macro conditions are met. There is no water. Everyone This ship cannot be lifted. In this kind of market situation, you must keep calm, hold the target in your hand, and wait for the flowers to bloom. My partner had a lot of AI except Ether. After waiting for a day, nothing happened. I almost changed positions. Fortunately, there were a few people who showed off at night, otherwise women would change their minds very quickly. It just so happens that I have been looking at sector engines recently. I talked about rwa and defi before. Today I will review an AI engine for you - Akash Network.
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How to be a winning general in contract tradingFirst, let’s talk about what is a contract? Can the contract be played? Then ask yourself if you want to understand it? Learn it? Investment guru Soros said that investment itself has no risks, only out-of-control investments have risks. Risk control is the soul of all investments. In the eyes of many people, contracts are synonymous with risk. They think that spot stocks do not make any money, and contracts make no money even more. This is actually a misunderstanding of contracts. People think that the reason why contracts are risky is because of leverage. However, this sentence itself is a false proposition. Leverage is just a tool. It does not cause risks. What causes risks is the greed in people's hearts. .

How to be a winning general in contract trading

First, let’s talk about what is a contract? Can the contract be played? Then ask yourself if you want to understand it? Learn it? Investment guru Soros said that investment itself has no risks, only out-of-control investments have risks. Risk control is the soul of all investments. In the eyes of many people, contracts are synonymous with risk. They think that spot stocks do not make any money, and contracts make no money even more. This is actually a misunderstanding of contracts. People think that the reason why contracts are risky is because of leverage. However, this sentence itself is a false proposition. Leverage is just a tool. It does not cause risks. What causes risks is the greed in people's hearts. .
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Synthetix, a new hopeToday’s title is copied from the original analysis of V3 posted by the founder of SNX on mirror. Today we look at SNX from a God’s perspective ( Synthetix is ​​a decentralized synthetic asset issuance protocol built on Ethereum and Optimism. These synthetic assets are collateralized by Synthetix network tokens (SNX), and when locked in the contract, synthetic assets (Synths) can be issued. Each Synth is an ERC20 token used to track the price of an external asset; sUSD tracks the price of USD, and sETH tracks the price of ETH.

Synthetix, a new hope

Today’s title is copied from the original analysis of V3 posted by the founder of SNX on mirror. Today we look at SNX from a God’s perspective (
Synthetix is ​​a decentralized synthetic asset issuance protocol built on Ethereum and Optimism. These synthetic assets are collateralized by Synthetix network tokens (SNX), and when locked in the contract, synthetic assets (Synths) can be issued. Each Synth is an ERC20 token used to track the price of an external asset; sUSD tracks the price of USD, and sETH tracks the price of ETH.
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Triangulation to look at Celestia valuationBigtime had already fallen by 12% before posting this article. Under the current market situation, the love for chain games has gradually faded. It’s not that I don’t love it, but I don’t know how to love it. Let it go slowly for now, let’s talk about Celestia under Cosmos today. I have always been very optimistic about Astro Boy. I have said before that I will accompany it until it reaches 300 (I will not make investment recommendations in the long term), so we must study it carefully when its ecology reaches 300. The Celestia token is trading at a valuation of over $2 billion on Aevo. But as the first chain built specifically for data availability, its valuation has become the biggest public opinion, because there are no other products built in the same way as it. Messari also recently published an article thinking about triangulating Celestia's fair valuation with the amount of data users would have to pay to justify the now over $2 billion price tag.

Triangulation to look at Celestia valuation

Bigtime had already fallen by 12% before posting this article. Under the current market situation, the love for chain games has gradually faded. It’s not that I don’t love it, but I don’t know how to love it. Let it go slowly for now, let’s talk about Celestia under Cosmos today. I have always been very optimistic about Astro Boy. I have said before that I will accompany it until it reaches 300 (I will not make investment recommendations in the long term), so we must study it carefully when its ecology reaches 300.
The Celestia token is trading at a valuation of over $2 billion on Aevo. But as the first chain built specifically for data availability, its valuation has become the biggest public opinion, because there are no other products built in the same way as it. Messari also recently published an article thinking about triangulating Celestia's fair valuation with the amount of data users would have to pay to justify the now over $2 billion price tag.
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Competition between single blockchain and overall blockchainThe market has been sweeping the observation area recently, and there is nothing much to say. Either double it or take it off the shelves. If you play this kind of market, your hair will be lost. Today I will make a popular science content, which is very friendly to those who are new to L1 and L2. Let's consider such a problem, assuming a country with only one leader, but he is responsible for all aspects of government affairs. A country without rights and checks and balances by force. What will happen. Isn't it scary? This is my definition of the "overall blockchain" I want to talk about today. First of all, it is a blockchain, but everything is handled by oneself, and no one else is needed at all.

Competition between single blockchain and overall blockchain

The market has been sweeping the observation area recently, and there is nothing much to say. Either double it or take it off the shelves. If you play this kind of market, your hair will be lost. Today I will make a popular science content, which is very friendly to those who are new to L1 and L2.
Let's consider such a problem, assuming a country with only one leader, but he is responsible for all aspects of government affairs. A country without rights and checks and balances by force. What will happen. Isn't it scary?
This is my definition of the "overall blockchain" I want to talk about today. First of all, it is a blockchain, but everything is handled by oneself, and no one else is needed at all.
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If you have experienced: 9·4 3·12 5·19 Luna and UST collapse Sanjian goes bankrupt Block and Voyager go bankrupt FTX runs away 90% price plunge U.S. banking industry collapses Hacker attack worth over $1 billion SEC review 6-month sideways trend ETF fake news Congratulations!!! You have experienced so many accidents and are still strong. You are already the OG of the currency circle! Future generations will not be able to compete with you! As long as the opportunity comes, who will get rich if you don’t get rich?! If you work harder today, there will be eight more male models tomorrow!
If you have experienced:
Luna and UST collapse
Sanjian goes bankrupt
Block and Voyager go bankrupt
FTX runs away
90% price plunge
U.S. banking industry collapses
Hacker attack worth over $1 billion
SEC review
6-month sideways trend
ETF fake news

Congratulations!!! You have experienced so many accidents and are still strong. You are already the OG of the currency circle! Future generations will not be able to compete with you! As long as the opportunity comes, who will get rich if you don’t get rich?!
If you work harder today, there will be eight more male models tomorrow!
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How to use narrative to discover the track of “Big Bull”In the blockchain space, narrative has always been a strong driver of investment. The ever-changing landscape has seen the rise and fall of topics ranging from ICOs to DeFi and NFTs, while also leaving important lessons for investors, founders, and enthusiasts. To tell the evolution of the narrative here, we can start from the initial coin offering (ICO). The ICO boom in 2017 heralded a revolution in venture capital, but many projects failed to maintain this momentum. As the industry matures and investors' attention turns to more sophisticated investment mechanisms, individual exchanges lead the startup trend. These shifts in narratives also illustrate the dynamic nature of the Web3 space, where trends emerge, peak, and fade quickly.

How to use narrative to discover the track of “Big Bull”

In the blockchain space, narrative has always been a strong driver of investment. The ever-changing landscape has seen the rise and fall of topics ranging from ICOs to DeFi and NFTs, while also leaving important lessons for investors, founders, and enthusiasts.

To tell the evolution of the narrative here, we can start from the initial coin offering (ICO). The ICO boom in 2017 heralded a revolution in venture capital, but many projects failed to maintain this momentum. As the industry matures and investors' attention turns to more sophisticated investment mechanisms, individual exchanges lead the startup trend. These shifts in narratives also illustrate the dynamic nature of the Web3 space, where trends emerge, peak, and fade quickly.
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Embracing Rollup now means embracing the "future"I have said it 10,000 times and imagined it 10,000 times in my mind. This market, this time, is not this time, it is not the time to make money. It was trading sideways until my scalp went numb (it was trading sideways when I was writing this article, but now it’s falling so hard). It seems that everyone is waiting for the day of the deal to come soon, but there is still no delay in doing things. It is time to look at the project, and it is time to find the direction. We finished talking about rwa in the last issue, and today we are going to talk about the second floor. The reason that troubles the development of blockchain is still the "three dilemmas". This refers to the trade-off between decentralization, scalability and security that all blockchains face, where a blockchain can only optimize two at the expense of the third. Obviously, security is critical to blockchains, so this often leads to compromises in decentralization or scalability.

Embracing Rollup now means embracing the "future"

I have said it 10,000 times and imagined it 10,000 times in my mind. This market, this time, is not this time, it is not the time to make money. It was trading sideways until my scalp went numb (it was trading sideways when I was writing this article, but now it’s falling so hard). It seems that everyone is waiting for the day of the deal to come soon, but there is still no delay in doing things. It is time to look at the project, and it is time to find the direction. We finished talking about rwa in the last issue, and today we are going to talk about the second floor.

The reason that troubles the development of blockchain is still the "three dilemmas". This refers to the trade-off between decentralization, scalability and security that all blockchains face, where a blockchain can only optimize two at the expense of the third. Obviously, security is critical to blockchains, so this often leads to compromises in decentralization or scalability.
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From first love to starting a family to starting a career to "DYDX"I didn’t know what to say for a moment. I felt as shy as when I was in love in junior high school. Yes, I crashed again today, still in front of the traffic police. It was the same scene on the second day of last month. The difference was that the car in front of me changed from an uncle to a young lady. , what remains unchanged is that I am fully responsible. The reason is that I watched dydx from the beginning again last night. From an unknown person to the establishment of a dynasty, it was quite the style of Qin Shihuang who unified the six countries, so I was still thinking about it this morning. Today I’m going to talk about dydx, and I also want to talk about the development of a project, including the founder’s ideas and changes, so that everyone can have a more thorough understanding of the project, and it can also provide everyone with a framework for analyzing the project.

From first love to starting a family to starting a career to "DYDX"

I didn’t know what to say for a moment. I felt as shy as when I was in love in junior high school. Yes, I crashed again today, still in front of the traffic police. It was the same scene on the second day of last month. The difference was that the car in front of me changed from an uncle to a young lady. , what remains unchanged is that I am fully responsible. The reason is that I watched dydx from the beginning again last night. From an unknown person to the establishment of a dynasty, it was quite the style of Qin Shihuang who unified the six countries, so I was still thinking about it this morning.

Today I’m going to talk about dydx, and I also want to talk about the development of a project, including the founder’s ideas and changes, so that everyone can have a more thorough understanding of the project, and it can also provide everyone with a framework for analyzing the project.
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If you were asked to farm in the bull market of the currency circle, what would you farm?I listened to CZ’s AMA last week and was attracted by the RWA track he called. Now RWA is gradually attracting market attention. In addition to the big V’s constant shouting, there may be several reasons. The current encryption market lacks low-risk U-based assets, which is attractive enough for people who like arbitrage. Through RWA, low-risk and high-yield products in the traditional market are introduced, and the currency circle is not currently in a bull market. Even though the currency circle has been very lively recently, with all-you-can bets during the day, Ketai at noon, and YGG at night, there is still a lack of enough narrative. RWA is currently one of the few tracks with solid income support. DEFI will certainly not be able to reach its full potential without integrating RWA.

If you were asked to farm in the bull market of the currency circle, what would you farm?

I listened to CZ’s AMA last week and was attracted by the RWA track he called. Now RWA is gradually attracting market attention. In addition to the big V’s constant shouting, there may be several reasons. The current encryption market lacks low-risk U-based assets, which is attractive enough for people who like arbitrage. Through RWA, low-risk and high-yield products in the traditional market are introduced, and the currency circle is not currently in a bull market.

Even though the currency circle has been very lively recently, with all-you-can bets during the day, Ketai at noon, and YGG at night, there is still a lack of enough narrative. RWA is currently one of the few tracks with solid income support. DEFI will certainly not be able to reach its full potential without integrating RWA.

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