Sanctum just launched Sanctum Profiles (in beta), and this is the thread that gives you everything you need to know:

1/ What are Sanctum Profiles?

At Sanctum, we recognise their users as individuals, not just wallets. This belief is fundamental to the product experience they are developing using profiles.They are spearheading a sea change in user experience across all of Solana.

Profiles are your identity in the Sanctum universe; it is open to everyone, not just Wonderland users.

2/ How do I create a Sanctum Profile?

You can create a profile by:

1) heading to

2) connecting your wallet

3) clicking on “Create a profile”

You are then free to link all your wallets and your socials to complete your profile.

3/ What's the vision behind Sanctum Profiles?

In the near term, your profile will serve as a criterion for our upcoming $CLOUD launch.

However, the larger goal of the Sanctum Profile is to empower you to build your identity and reputation within their community. Profiles will become a place where you can showcase who you are – your community roles, pets, achievements, and so on.

4/ So, what does that mean for you?

Profiles are open to everyone.

1) They strongly encourage you to create a profile.

2) Link all your relevant wallets if you’re particularly concerned about self-referral EXPs in Wonderland or about triggering our anti-sybil mechanism.

3) They strongly encourage you to connect your relevant social accounts so that we can accurately access your contributions to Sanctum. We will never share this data with anyone.

The deadline to create and complete your profile is 0000hrs EST 1st July 2024. After that, all profiles will be locked temporarily for our $CLOUD launch.

Even if you weren't part of Wonderland, we still encourage you to create a profile, provide feedback, and contribute to the development of the next user experience in Web 3. You’re early, welcome to the party!

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