
#VanEck Submits Form 8-A for Ethereum ETF

According to Odaily, ETF analyst Eric Balchunas has announced that VanEck has submitted a Form 8-A for an Ethereum ETF on platform X. This is part of the process, but it's noteworthy that they submitted a Form 8-A for a Bitcoin ETF seven days before its launch. Balchunas suggests that there may be more news disclosures to follow.The submission of the Form 8-A is a standard part of the process for launching an ETF. However, the timing of this submission, coming just a week before the launch of their Bitcoin ETF, suggests that VanEck may be planning a similar move with Ethereum. Balchunas, a respected analyst in the field, believes that this could be a sign of more news to come.It's important to note that while this submission is a significant step, it does not guarantee that an Ethereum ETF will be launched. The final decision will be made by the relevant regulatory authorities. However, the move by VanEck, a leading player in the ETF market, is a positive sign for those hoping for more widespread adoption of cryptocurrency ETFs.

Source: #BinanceNews