.@StargateFinance is now integrated with Sei v2! Stargate is a fully composable liquidity layer that lives at the heart of omnichain DeFi. With the recent release of Stargate v2, it offers improved cost efficiency and interoperability. This integration brings: 🔴 Canonical wETH: Unified across all Stargate connected chains, ensuring seamless interoperability. Bridging wETH into Sei Network has no protocol fee, only pay for gas on source and destination chains. 🔴 OFTs: Access to every Layer Zero bridgeable token with zero swapping fees—just pay for gas. 🔴 Effortless Transactions: Enjoy the fastest EVM chain in production with the robust capabilities of Stargate. Get ready to explore new possibilities and elevate your cross-chain activities with @StargateFinance on Sei💫 Bridge now: