13 Years of Experience🚨
I ended up learning 1 very important thing.📍
"If you can't handle few bad trades, leading you to quit your #crypto interest. You will never get successful in your life".
I missed 80 #BTC free in 2011, when it was $.30
I started mining #bitcoin in 2013 again when it was around $200.(up &down)
Account got suspended,😭
Funds got hacked🥹
Never thought 2020 will be that crazy that i will get everything financially I ever wanted.
Bad things are still happening even worst, but now i have learned to deal with them. For example My account followed by Sir Czbinance got suspended in 2022.
I am still digging.
Give your time, energy and you will get what you want in unexpected ways.🛑
#crypto2023 #googleai $BTC