🚀Space and Time (SxT) is taking DeFi to the next level with the release of Proof of SQL on GitHub. This high-performance, zero-knowledge prover ensures SQL database queries are computed accurately against untampered data.🔐

💡Developers can now compute over both onchain and offchain datasets in a trustless manner, proving the result back to their smart contract during a transaction. This opens up a new era of data-driven smart contracts and next-gen DeFi.

🎉SxT's Proof of SQL was initially released to a select group of customers in August. Now, it's available to the public. Developers can download the repository directly from GitHub and run trustless queries on SxT on the Space and Time Studio.

🚀Proof of SQL is the first ZK prover that runs sub-second. It can execute analytic queries over 100k-row tables in less than a second on a single GPU, and can aggregate over millions of rows of indexed data within Ethereum block time on a single NVIDIA T4.

💪Proof of SQL offers a more performant architecture for processing large volumes of data than generalized zkVMs and co-processors. It can be integrated with these zkVMs to provide verifiable source data that arbitrary code can be executed over.

👥SxT encourages contributions from the community and other ZKP engineering teams to collaborate in the repo. The prover can be integrated into any SQL database and is already securing some of the most prominent Web3 apps, financial institutions, and enterprises.

🎉Excited about this new era of data-driven smart contracts? Share your thoughts in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #Blockchain #SQL #GitHub