Vulcan Forged is a web3 platform consisting of a game studio, digital asset marketplace, and dApp incubator on the Ethereum ecosystem. The platform is powered by the ERC-20 and MATIC-compatible $PYR token. ERC-20 tokens are validated by Proof-of-Stake consensus post the Ethereum Merge. The current price of PYR is live tracked on Binance.

Vulcan Forged products include an NFT marketplace, a decentralized exchange, and various game titles like Vulcan Verse, Beserk, and Vulcan Assassins. 

Vulcan Forged utilizes a dual token system, delegating different utility sets to the PYR or LAVA tokens. The PYR token lies at the core of the platform, enabling users to sell, buy and redeem in-game assets or trade for fiat.

LAVA, the platform's secondary token, rewards users for engaging in gameplay. As users acquire more experience points, they collect LAVA. LAVA can be used for staking, in-game upgrades, and consumables.

Vulcan Forged states that its proprietary decentralized exchange, VulcanDEX, is the first cross-chain DEX dedicated to gaming tokens. VulcanDEX enables users to use their gaming tokens to trade, farm, stake, and provide liquidity to liquidity pools. #pyrusdt