🚀Blockchain personalities are making waves! Starfox, part of the art/protest project UNFK, is turning heads with her unique style. Dustin Lee is gaining visibility for his Web3 marketplace DeStore, bridging physical and digital worlds. Clemente Varas and Easy Eats are making crypto fun with their quick and entertaining content.

David Quinn and Daniel Calderon are pushing boundaries with Generative Goods, creating unique physical items with digital counterparts. Meanwhile, Amanda Wick is advocating for safer workplaces in crypto, noting signs of progress.

David Bischoff and Hunter Rogers are championing TronDAO, providing financial lifelines where traditional banks fall short. Thibault Palomares and Galen are making a difference with their meme coin $USA, raising over $38 million for military vets.

Jen Wheatley is bringing her PR expertise to Disruptive, while The Pink Alliance is reimagining the metaverse with comic book culture.

Who's your favorite blockchain personality? Share in the comments! 💬 #BlockchainNews #CryptoCommunity