Notcoin (NOT) is currently trading at $0.0115757547317 and sits at number #76 on CoinMarketCap in terms of market capitalization. There are 102719221714 NOT coins currently in circulation, bringing the total market cap to $1189052516.79.

Over the past 24 hours, Notcoin has increased by 20.35%. Looking at the last week, the coin is up by 133.65%.

The weekly chart for Notecoin (NOT) displays a significant uptrend, with the cryptocurrency's value rising from a low of $0.005437 to a peak of $0.008308. This strong growth represents a price increase of approximately 53.04% over the week. The market capitalization for Notcoin has seen a substantial increase, rising 56.30% to reach $853,342,405. This remarkable increase underscores the growing confidence among investors and the prevailing bullish sentiment in the market. The upward move has taken NO past some critical resistance levels, now hovering around the $0.0083 mark, indicating potential for continued upside momentum

#NOTđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ #Notcoin