$MANTA coin offers the following benefits:

- Privacy and security:

Manta Network is designed to offer privacy and security to users and developers.

- Scalability:

Manta Pacific offers a scalable and cost-effective gas-fee environment, making it ideal for scaling privacy-preserving dApps.

- Customization:

Manta Atlantic is a Layer 1 blockchain designed for applications requiring ultimate security and customization.

- Governance:

Manta coin holders have voting rights and can participate in on-chain governance decisions.

- Staking:

Manta coin can be staked to contribute to the overall security of Manta Atlantic.

- Collator Delegation:

Manta coin holders can delegate their holdings with collators or stake Manta coin to run their collators to secure the network.

- Network Fees:

Manta coin is used to pay transaction fees on Manta Atlantic.

- Native Liquidity & Collateral:

Manta coin can be used as native liquidity and collateral in the Manta ecosystem.

- Value Accrual:

Manta coin holders can benefit from the productive re-deployment of sequencer revenue and gas savings from modular DA.

- Retroactive Funding:

Builders and contributors can receive direct benefits from retroactive on-chain activities funding and the markets it enables.
