According to Foresight News, Ethereum sidechain Polygon PoS has announced a technical proposal to integrate the blockchain aggregation layer, AggLayer. The proposal also includes a transition from PoS architecture to zkEVM validium architecture.

In addition to this, the ZK chain based on Polygon CDK will be able to connect to AggLayer. Polygon will also announce projects built using the CDK. This move is expected to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the Ethereum sidechain, providing a more robust platform for developers and users alike.

The integration of AggLayer and the transition to zkEVM validium architecture are significant steps in the evolution of Polygon PoS. These changes are expected to bring about improved scalability, security, and interoperability, making the platform more versatile and user-friendly.

The announcement of projects built using the CDK is also a noteworthy development. It signifies Polygon's commitment to fostering innovation and development within its ecosystem. The ability of the ZK chain to connect to AggLayer further enhances the platform's capabilities, providing a more comprehensive and integrated solution for blockchain applications.

Overall, these developments underline Polygon's ongoing efforts to improve and expand its platform, ensuring it remains at the forefront of blockchain technology.