Can the Pi network reach $1,000?

I think it’s Can reach 1000$ or even more. Some reason here:

it now has 30 million people mining Pi network . It will reach 100 million soon. As much people mining the more hype and value pi price.

The lockup mechanism encourages people lock 90% Their pi In 3 years. So around 10 billion pi at the open main net.

The mining rate drop significantly in 01/03/2022, people basically mining less than 1 pi per day. It adjusts monthly, and if 100 million people start mining, it will drop even more significantly.

When the ecosystems of Pi like super market, trading market, pi workforce, pi chain mall … start working the demand of pi will skyrocket, push the price even higher.

Pi is very hype in China, the second largest economy in the world. It is very good for the project.

Pi is made very friendly for people who don’t know much about crypto so it can attract most people than any coin ever. So look at Dodge coin, all it has in community, Pi community even much bigger. You can see 1 million followers on Twitter, Thousands of Facebook page.

Of course there are many thing must be done before this price go high like mass Kyc for 30 million people, fix any bug happen, building a large ecosystem … but you must believe in some good thing will happen in your life.

Lastly, if you want to join my team. My invitation code: hoixmen . Www.Minepi.Com/asimlakho referral id:asimlakho.

Courtesy thanks to:

Mr. Hoi le