Based on current market analysis and expert predictions, several cryptocurrencies have significant potential for growth over the next three months. Here are a few standout options:

1. $ETH : Ethereum remains a strong contender due to its ongoing upgrades and dominance in the smart contract space. The upcoming EIP-4884 upgrade and its leadership in Layer 2 solutions like Polygon and Arbitrum enhance its potential for value increase.

2. $SOL : Solana is gaining traction due to its high performance and expanding ecosystem. With its new price oracle, Pyth, Solana is poised to increase its market cap and become a top blockchain by total value locked (TVL).

3. $FET : This AI-focused cryptocurrency is attracting attention for its decentralized machine learning network, which can coordinate autonomous agents for various applications. The ongoing AI hype is likely to bolster's value.

These cryptocurrencies are supported by solid use cases, technological advancements, and growing ecosystems, making them likely candidates for value appreciation in the near term. Always consider diversifying your investments and conducting your own research before making any financial decisions.

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