Market Value: ENA's market value, around $1.3 billion as of May 24, 2024, reflects the total value of all circulating ENA tokens. This suggests a moderately sized project within the cryptocurrency market.

Market Cap: ENA's market cap is a product of its circulating supply (roughly 1.52 billion tokens) and current price (approximately $0.85 USD). Market cap offers a general idea of a cryptocurrency's market dominance and potential for growth.

Market Volatility: ENA's recent price movements indicate some volatility. While it experienced a weekly gain of about 14%, it has also seen a monthly decline of roughly 11%.

Recent Fluctuations: ENA, the token that powers the Ethena DeFi protocol, has exhibited some recent price volatility. As of May 24, 2024, it trades around $0.85-$0.906 USD.

Weekly Gains: Over the past week, ENA has shown positive performance with a price increase of approximately 14%.

Monthly Decline: However, zooming out to the monthly view reveals a different picture. ENA's price has dipped by about 11% in the last 30 days.

All-Time High: In April 2024, ENA reached its all-time high of around $1.51 USD. This indicates significant price appreciation since then.

Volatility & Monitoring: ENA's price movements suggest a somewhat volatile market. To stay informed about ENA's price action and make sound investment decisions, consider using cryptocurrency data aggregators. platforms provide valuable resources like real-time charts and historical price data for ENA and a vast array of other cryptocurrencies.


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