What is FloCoin?

FloCoin are the native digital assets in the FloCoin ecosystem, used for transactions and earned through active participation.

Benefits Offered By FloCoin:

- Instant Transactions: Experience the future of finance with lightning-fast transaction speeds.

- Global Accessibility: Send and receive payments anywhere in the world with ease and convenience.

- Incentive Mechanisms: FloCoin rewards active users with Flo Action Points that can be converted into Flo tokens.

- Fixed Supply: With a fixed supply, FLO has the potential for value as demand for access to the ecosystem grows.

CA: 0x75CAF55BeD6397ee3F3D614746Ae6729CEd4ae36

Partnerships with the McLaren GT4 team, BMW British SuperBikes team and PGA Golf tournaments. (Everything on our ad networks). 

How it Works:

  1. Token Trading: Users trade with Flo tokens within the FloCoin ecosystem.

  2. Supplier Expansion: Suppliers grow their ecosystem by accepting FLO tokens as payment.

  3. Business Transactions: Businesses utilize Flo tokens to access digital goods and services.

  4. FloCoin Action Points: Members earn Flo Action Points for contributions, which convert to Flo tokens.


The FloCoin Token was created on Dec 17, 2021 with a fixed total supply of 100 billion tokens. FloCoin tokens are used in the fee model of FloCoin Wallet.

-       Total Token Supply: 100 Billion

-       Supply (based on market capitalisation). Important to consider the amount of tokens in circulation as well as the fully diluted market capitalisation.

-        Allocation and distribution. Need to ensure the % allocation to initial seed / pre-ICO investors and to the development team is not excessive.

-       Vesting schedules: Should be spread over a number of years.

-       Inflation. Normally need some inflation mechanism (e.g., 5-15% p.a., to incentivise validators and delegators), assuming the consensus mechanism is Proof of Stake. Inflation on DEFI protocols is also used to reward liquidity providers and yield farmers.

-       Extent of any fee burns (se EIP-1559). Could be a mechanism to curb excessive inflation and restrict the growth of the FLO supply.

-       Staking. Another mechanism to restrict the circulating supply to provide a positive impact on price action.

-       Utility / use-cases for FLO


A token-based ecosystem is the alignment structure of a multilateral set of partners for a defined period of time who, through the active shaping of relationships, pursue a common goal of creating common added value for all actors through a central value proposition with tokens as the value proposition of the ecosystem. The FLO ecosystem includes industry sectors such as Gaming, Real Estate, Entertainment and E-commerce.


As the FLO token will be used across a large network of established products and services which are not yet accepting blockchain payments, there is the potential for large numbers of new users coming into the community. There are also some high value products which will require high numbers of tokens/coin to be exchanged for other fiat currencies or non fiat currencies. This will bring a rapid growth of trading at an early stage in the development of the coin. The industries within the community are highly competitive and as these partners and investors begin to integrate the FLO payment method, the competitors will follow. Some of the partners have products across each of the largest sectors and as such will integrate all of their products and services so as to cross sell and upsell to token holders. 

Payment Gateway

Developers can integrate FLOs platform payment services into their websites or Apps. The goal of this functionality is to make any payment as easy as possible, users can make payments using FLO Coins in their wallet, or from their credit card, debit card, or bank account.


The team will be working closely with the MetaMask team to provide premium wallet services that will be optimised and expanded for the FLO platform’s audience. In the future, FLO will expand the platform so anyone can play no matter the type of cryptocurrency they hold

Ongoing R&D Activities

The FLO coin platform will continue to develop steadily. Research and review is the main key to keeping the platform up to date and to lead the developing technology and the innovation within the crypto world.

Marketing Activities

One of the most important ways to promote the brand is to invest in marketing. With in-depth studies, an expert marketing team will reveal the spirit of the business.

Partnership Activites

We aim at connecting individuals and organizations from different sectors and countries. Some of those are especially important to us - our strategic partners. They are the ones we learn from every day. They inspire us with their dedication and passion. They are our strongest allies in creating resilient ecosystems.


Web: flocoinofficial.io

X: x.com/flocoinofficial

TG; @flocoinofficialchat