Many are asking me if the very much anticipated Bull season on the btc has started?

While I warned earlier that no one should be going SHORT on BTC and the ALTS especially this week because the BEAR is losing energy to the BULL, I didn't also recomend jumping into the Bull with all your assets because there could be a trap. What I said is stay neutral but hold the other coins I posted in my trade Alerts right?

Now this is what to look out for: 64,012.00.

If this weeks candle closes BELOW this price level, what you are 3xperiencing now is a BULLTRAP,

BUT if the price of BTC Closes at the end of this week ABOVE 64,0124.00, you should be aware that THE bull market is here, and we might see Bitcoin price flying through the roof.

Trade responsibly

#ETFvsBTC #altcoins #MicroStrategy #buythedip