The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) of South Korea has confirmed that token delisting standards will be included in the "Best Practice for Compliance with the Virtual Asset User Protection Act" released in early June. An official from the Financial Supervisory Service stated in a conversation with Bloomberg on Tuesday that the upcoming "Best Practices for Compliance with the Virtual Asset User Protection Act" will not only include listing standards for virtual assets, but also provide guidance on whether to maintain trading of listed virtual assets. The guidance will provide a basis for cryptocurrency issuers to delist in the event of problems. The guidance will be released from the end of May to early June. Currently, the Financial Supervisory Service is developing guidelines to support self-regulation by cryptocurrency exchanges under the Virtual Asset User Protection Act before it is implemented in July. The plan proposes standards for virtual asset issuance, circulation, and trading support, prohibits the listing of virtual assets with a history of hacking attacks, and requires the release of Korean white papers and technical manuals when listing overseas virtual assets.
