Why do I always say BTC will hit 100k this month while everyone is saying BTC will be bearish?

If you read my old posts you know, I, in fact, claimed that BTC will hit 100k by the end of April 2024. But my prediction proved wrong and Bitcoin and Gold market remain below their ATH. In my recent post I already explained, this was due to news event related to US bank interest rates.

Anyway, I agree, my prediction was wrong. Because I was wrong. In financial market, you can tell what will happen next by looking at the data. But you cannot tell when that will exactly happen.

“When it will happen” depends on various factors. So, we cannot say this will happen within this date.

We can say this will happen if this happens and this not happens. So prediction is complicated.

But I’m still saying BTC will hit 100k this month. Maybe this may not happen somehow this month, but I can grantee this will happen soon.

Now, what is my point of saying BTC will hit 100k while 90% of signal providers are saying BTC will go below 50k? Well, there will be a separate post on this.

However, I want to ask you, whom this 90% people belongs to? Then I want to ask you, what big investment’s advisors, crypto experts and venture capitalists are saying? All of them are saying BTC will hit 100k. These are within the 10% who believes BTC will hit 100k.

Look, democracy is good within your family, but you can't apply it everywhere. When I say BTC will reach 100k, I'm also holding BTC in my pocket.

Ask the guys who tell you BTC will drop below 50k, how much BTC they've ever held in their life? If they are truthful, you may hardly hear 0.5 BTC max.