Action or inaction, which is more important for achieving results? Every day, we all face the need to make decisions. For many, this process triggers stress and self-doubt. Often, hastily made decisions and their subsequent actions lead to failures in both personal and professional life.

So, how can you tell when it's necessary to spring into action, and when it's better to just breathe, relax, and do nothing? Here's a simple piece of advice: As soon as you find yourself overwhelmed with worry, lost, and unsure about whether to act, it's a clear sign from your brain that it's time to pause.

Acting in a state of stress, uncertainty, and constant self-doubt usually leads to rushed decisions and ultimately, negative outcomes. This is particularly true for impulsive behaviors, like panic selling or buying cryptocurrencies, thinking that the market will crash forever or grow indefinitely, and fearing missing out on huge profits.

This last phenomenon is known as FOMO. I believe anyone who's ever traded any kind of assets has experienced it. In the trading world, succumbing to FOMO is a deadly mistake.

But there's also the opposite scenario. I know many people who dream of achieving great things by their 40s, talk about building billion-dollar companies, yet do absolutely nothing. Their inaction stems from simple fear—fear of rejection in messaging, fear of looking silly to others on social media, fear of asking a friend for a contact.

If you want results, especially significant ones, action is essential. However, your desire to act must be sincere, and your confidence in the necessity of these actions should be close to 100%. When your eyes sparkle with genuine desire, when you are driven by your heart, and when you are sure about moving forward, don't hesitate to make that call or send that message.

The worst outcome in case of rejection or failure is staying right where you are. But success could lead to finding a new partner, co-founder, investor, or friend.

I look forward to your thoughts in the comments.

#FOMOisReal #fomo