For many years, my friend tried to persuade me to invest in various assets:

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- In 2011, he suggested buying $BTC .

- In 2016, he recommended investing in $ETH .

- In 2017, he advised purchasing $BNB.

- In 2019, he pushed for buying $SHIB.

- In 2023, he urged me to get $PEPE .

Fortunately, I didn't fall for his schemes; I recognized they were risky endeavors. I'm glad I didn't listen because friends who invested in BTC and Ethereum now enjoy luxurious lifestyles, with fancy cars, attractive companions, and worldwide travel. However, that lifestyle doesn't appeal to me. I don't envy them. I value the challenges and competition in my profession and the rewards of hard work. I prefer to accumulate wealth through legitimate work, not speculation or chance. I focus on established coins and strive for steady success.