
With the way the crypto market is currently going, it is becoming increasingly difficult for everyone to decide what to do with their investments. First thing you need to decide is if you're here for the long-term gains or the short-term gain.

1) Long-term gains:

If you're in this for the long-haul, these slight corrections shouldn't make a difference and you should be well-diversified in coins that have a good use case along with a nice backing. These coins are the ones that have higher intrinsic value than their current market price and the ones that are bound to increase in the long-run and aren't going anywhere. Depending on the size of your portfolio, you should be holding coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, Solana, diversification to the AI and game sectors and maybe 5-10% of your portfolio in highly volatile memecoins. In the long run, these are the coins that will make your portfolio value increase significantly.

2) Short-term gains:

If you're in the market for short-term gains, I'd suggest you start selling the coins that are in a hefty profit and start accumulating some USDT in order for you to be able to buy the dip, as there are signs of a bear-run starting, where you could see roughly a 15-20% drop in prices for coins in the next 1-2 weeks. This is because most coins, including Solana, are indicating that they are overbought currently.

I am here to get you in the Crypto mindset, not for investment advice. The important thing is to learn how to make these decisions yourself while looking at trends and different indicators!

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