I think you have already noticed it!

You wake up suddenly, feeling a strange sensation about this coin/project. Your inner voice and intuition are telling you to sell before it's too late. When you have finished selling, suddenly the coin/project starts to pump!!! How does it work? What is it all about? It's psychology!

The media and social platforms already played and planted their strategy a few days before. As human beings, it takes us time to process information. You can watch or study something, but our brain needs a few days to process the information and connect the dots when we are in sleep mode.

So my point is, it's not just you waking up with those feelings, it's tons of other people. Some act upon them, letting their fake emotions control them. Some, lazy like me, don't care about what is happening in the market. Every time I have doubts about something, feeling strange, I ask myself, 'Is it true? How come a few days ago I was so sure about this thing, and today I'm feeling different?'

I understand it doesn't come from God. It comes from the other side, to make me suffer. Don't be led by your emotions, they come and go. Sleep on it before making decisions.
