Decimal's weekly digest of blockchain news.

Voting on Decimal's CEO initiative has concluded 
The majority voted "Yes", leading to the adoption of the initiative and planning for changes to the Decimal blockchain tokenomics. Work on this will begin after the expected blockchain migration update at the end of March.

Football World project audit 
Decimal DApps team has launched an audit of the Football World project. The products that will be evaluated are Coins, NFT, Validators and Services. AirDrop has been launched. Read more in the DDApps channel.

New videos on Youtube and TikTok
The week started off busy, with Donald Trump finally saying he supports Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies . Theory: Did Nikolas Tesla prophesied the creation of Bitcoin 100 years ago? And speaking about prophecies, did the Simpsons prophesy the  creation of VR glasses?

Created 4 new coins: MSTARH  (CRR 12%), MEGABYTE  (CRR 45%), MGBCOIN (CRR 15%) и GANJUBASIK (CRR 10%). There are 339 tokens in total.
A new validator was created: BeFree  (1% commission). Total validators: 84.