How much Shib coin to burn in order to reach the price of 0.001?
The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the demand for Shiba Inu coins, the market sentiment, the inflation rate, and the future supply changes. However, assuming that the current price and supply of Shiba Inu coins are constant, we can estimate the number of coins that need to be burned to reach a target price using a simple formula:
Burned coins=Current supply×(1−Target price/Current price)
As of this writing, the current price of Shiba Inu coin is about $0.0000094, and the current supply is about 589.28 trillion coins. Therefore, using the formula above, we can calculate the number of coins that need to be burned to reach a price of $0.001 as follows:
Burned coins=589.28×10^12×(1−.001/0.00000940)
Burned coins≈583.76×10^12
This means that about 583.76 trillion Shiba Inu coins need to be burned to reach a price of $0.001, which is about 99.06% of the current supply. This is a very large amount of coins, and it is unlikely that such a massive burn will happen in the near future.
However, this is just a theoretical estimate, and the actual price of Shiba Inu coin may vary depending on other factors that affect the supply and demand of the coin. For example, if the demand for Shiba Inu coin increases due to positive news, partnerships, or adoption, the price may rise without requiring a large burn. On the other hand, if the demand for Shiba Inu coin decreases due to negative events, competition, or regulation, the price may fall even with a large burn.
Therefore, it is important to do your own research and analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency, and not rely solely on the supply and price calculations.
Cryptocurrencies are volatile and risky, and you should only invest what you can afford to lose.