Bitcoin as a Tool of Division in a Dystopian Future

Many films, like "Divergent", "The Hunger Games" and "Equilibrium", explore the theme of people being divided into factions in the future. These films paint a grim picture of a society where people are separated based on their qualities, abilities or ideological views.

Let's imagine a dystopian future where Bitcoin plays a major role in dividing people.


"Guardians": Owners of large Bitcoin wallets who make up the elite of society. They control the financial system and have access to advanced technologies.

"Miners": People who ensure the Bitcoin network works. They live in harsh conditions and receive a modest fee for their work.

"Merchants": Use Bitcoin for everyday transactions. They live in relatively comfortable conditions, but their opportunities are limited.

"Outcasts": People who do not have access to Bitcoin. They live on the sidelines of society and struggle to survive.

The role of Bitcoin:

Social stratification: Bitcoin becomes a marker of social status. The more Bitcoins a person has, the higher their position in society.

Control: The "Guardians" use Bitcoin to control other factions. They can manipulate the Bitcoin rate to influence the economy and politics.

Surveillance: Transactions on the Bitcoin network are tracked, which allows the "Guardians" to monitor people.

Resistance: The "Outcasts" use Bitcoin to finance their fight against the system.

Possible consequences:

Increased inequality: The division of people by Bitcoin can lead to even greater stratification of society.

Social unrest: The discontent of the "Outcasts" with their position can lead to uprisings.

Totalitarian control: The "Guardians" can use Bitcoin to establish totalitarian control over society.


Bitcoin is a tool that can be used for both good and evil. In a dystopian future, Bitcoin can become a tool for dividing and controlling people. The future of Bitcoin is still unwritten, and it is up to us to shape it.

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