The possible future market trend of BTC is between 35,000 and 30,000. The probability is extremely high, because up to now, large retail investors have been shipping goods. Who of you is purchasing goods must be retail investors who have not purchased goods before. They are very happy now and finally bought. When it comes to low-priced coins, it’s actually okay if you buy them, but you’re afraid that if you continue to sell them, I’ll give you a warning. Don’t buy them all at this price. You can’t buy the lowest price, and it will definitely be even lower, probably It takes 4 to 8 weeks to completely change hands. Once the big investors have decided to sell, they will be determined to wait for the retail investors to step down and buy back. The big investors hold the money in their hands and decide the direction. The main reason is that the hearts of the retail investors are scattered and inconsistent. , can't hold the currency, and the big investors have the same understanding and won't buy until the low price. How can retail investors compete with the big investors who have the same understanding? Therefore, it is recommended to buy the bottom in batches, but I think after the rebound, the goods will be shipped in batches. Every time it rebounds to Ship at the resistance level.