🔸️ We are pleased to announce the release update of the PAC Game Center platform, together with a new version of the PAC Shoot shooter.

📈 To play the game you need to create an account on our platform and log in to the game!

🔸️ Everyone needs to uninstall the old versions and install the new ones.

P.S. Publishing a release version does not mean the end of our product development process.

It is just a stage where we have fixed many issues, provided proper operation of the core functionality and given you the opportunity to take advantage of a solid foundation.

We are just getting started and have a lot of hard work ahead of us!

P.S.S. At the moment, the ability to withdraw coins from your balance is disabled in Game Center. Keep this in mind.

🤪 Stay tuned and watch for further updates!


🔸️ PAC Game Center —

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