According to BlockBeats, on August 13, MakerDAO announced on social media that BA Labs has proposed a series of adjustments to WBTC-related parameters on the Maker forum. These adjustments aim to reduce risks associated with the core WBTC vault and WBTC collateral in SparkLend within the Maker protocol.

The proposed adjustments are intended to halt new borrowing against WBTC collateral and will be subject to an upcoming executive vote. If approved, these changes will not affect existing borrowing positions, whether in the core WBTC vault of the Maker protocol or in SparkLend. They will only prevent any further borrowing based on WBTC.

The details of the proposed parameter adjustments are as follows:

Core Vault:

- WBTC-A DC-IAM line (maximum DC): Reduced to 0.

- WBTC-B DC-IAM line (maximum DC): Reduced to 0.

- WBTC-C DC-IAM line (maximum DC): Reduced to 0.


- Disable WBTC borrowing.

- Reduce WBTC's LTV from 74% to 0%.

For users who have already borrowed against WBTC collateral in the core WBTC vault of the Maker protocol or in SparkLend, the implementation of these adjustments will not affect their existing positions or borrowing parameters.