According to Odaily, Sonne Finance, a DeFi lending protocol on the Optimism chain, has announced that the token conversion from Sonne V1 to Sonne V2 has not yet begun and claims have not been opened to users temporarily. The team is currently in the discussion phase, with community members expressing their thoughts on the related proposal in the official Discord channel. Users are urged to be cautious and avoid clicking on any links from scammers, and to always check the username of the account posting such messages.

In previous news from May, Sonne Finance protocol was hit by a flash loan attack by hackers, resulting in a loss of approximately 20 million dollars. The team is working diligently to address this issue and ensure the security of their users' assets. The token conversion process is a part of their strategy to recover from this setback and strengthen their protocol. However, the exact timeline for the commencement of this process is yet to be announced.