According to Odaily, the Web3 Foundation has announced the commencement of the second round of Decentralized Voices (DV). In this round, 180,000 KSM and 42 million DOT voting rights will be delegated to ecosystem voters. This includes 10 representatives each from Kusama and Polkadot, marking an increase from the previous round. These representatives will receive DOT or KSM delegations for a period of three months.

The Web3 Foundation's initiative aims to promote decentralization and foster a more inclusive ecosystem. By delegating voting rights to ecosystem voters, the foundation is encouraging active participation and decision-making within the community. The increase in the number of representatives from Kusama and Polkadot in this round signifies the foundation's commitment to expanding its reach and influence.

The delegation of DOT or KSM for a period of three months to the representatives is a strategic move by the Web3 Foundation. This not only empowers the representatives but also ensures that they have a vested interest in the growth and development of the ecosystem. The foundation's efforts are geared towards creating a more democratic and decentralized ecosystem, where every participant has a voice and a role to play.