According to Odaily, the CEO of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, Liang Fengyi, recently spoke at the Greenwich Economic Forum in Hong Kong. Her speech, titled 'Building a Fintech Ecosystem to Shape the Future of Finance', highlighted the application of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in financial markets for virtual assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Liang Fengyi stated that while many central bankers and economists deny the intrinsic value of these virtual assets, she does not disagree with their stance. Despite ongoing debates about their inherent value, Bitcoin has proven its resilience as an alternative asset over the past 15 years, surviving multiple boom and bust cycles.

Liang Fengyi further affirmed that DLT, the underlying technology of Bitcoin, will stand the test of time. She also noted that while the hype around Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) may have subsided, the technology is gradually being applied in the real asset world. Advocates increasingly discuss how Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has breathed new life into real assets in recent years, with real assets gradually being tokenized.