According to Odaily, Covalent is making strides in the Web3 ecosystem by providing verifiable data support, particularly demonstrating its prowess in the field of AI applications. Covalent is committed to delivering high-quality blockchain data, constructing an efficient structured database by obtaining data from multiple blockchain nodes via RPC. This allows users to quickly query the on-chain data they need.

Covalent's client base is extensive, encompassing decentralized applications such as DeFi, centralized cryptocurrency companies, and traditional financial institutions. Notably, Covalent is actively laying out its strategy in the AI track. Given the characteristics of on-chain data in the Web3 industry, it is poised to become a quality data source for niche AI scenarios and 'small AI models'.

Covalent has already begun providing verifiable structured data for various AI applications, successfully serving scenarios such as intelligent trading analysis and financial management automation. Overall, as a blockchain data infrastructure provider, Covalent is injecting verifiable data support into the development of AI in the Web3 field. Mint Ventures believes that Covalent is likely to become a significant data support force in the AI track of the Web3 race.