In the last 24 hours , 130,242 traders were liquidated , and the total liquidations came in at $381.44 million.
Total liquidations by Projects:
• $BTC 24h liquidations:
24H long - $59.48M
24H Short - $13.26M
• $ETH 24h liquidations:
24H long - $63.90M
24H Short- $9.45M
• #solana 24h liquidations:
24H long - $10.19M
24H Short- $1.0M
• #xrp 24h liquidations:
24H long - $7.35M
24H Short - $2.52M
• $SUI 24h liquidations:
24H long - $4.12M
24H Short- $1.11M
• #ADA 24h liquidations:
24H long - $4.77M
24H Short - $1.79M
• #bnb 24h liquidations:
24H long - $1.26M
24H Short - $581.81K