Another day, another dollar!

Friends! I hope you’ve been safe and sound during this market low prices weekend, for the time being this is a tendency that can become a rollercoaster as we get close to the new years, and basically, everything can happen on the forthcoming days, the moment $BTC goes down and the rest of the market resist we’re going to see great changes and hopefully you’ve selected your favorite crypto by then, also, don’t panic nor sell at a loss if the market fluctuates, as it’s only a natural movement, traders be taking profits, investors will always be looking to maximize capital, as you can see both are after the same results, ones with more capital and long term strategies than the others; both are crucial for the market to move, and so has been for many years, and this won’t change.

Remember to DYOR, don’t follow masses, if you follow advise make sure the “advisor” and you share similar goals (people be looking to make money in a 5-15 minutes timeframe may not be exactly as your goal if you’re new and learning, etc) make sure you understand their position, and DYOR so you can form yours, and hopefully make the best decision according to your profile, goals, strategy, and capital. Trade at your own risk.