Pragmatic Crypto Trading

Learn about the trading approach that got my last post deleted 😬 Pragmatism. I know some of you might not like what I'm about to say.

A pragmatic crypto trading strategy is all about being adaptable and focused on the bottom line. It's not about being a die-hard fan of a particular coin or ideology; it's about making smart decisions based on the data. And that can be hard to swallow for some of us.

When it comes to Bitcoin, a pragmatic approach means being prepared for anything.

We've seen it before - a sudden surge in price, followed by a brutal correction. Or a long, slow grind upwards, only to be met with a sharp drop. The point is, we can't predict with certainty what's going to happen next.

What’s a Pragmatic crypto strategy?

Don't get too attached: The market doesn't care about your feelings. Be prepared to adjust your strategy as the market changes.

Focus on the data: Keep a close eye on charts, trends, and market sentiment. Don't get caught up in FUD or FOMO. Make decisions based on the facts.

Diversify and hedge: Spread your risk across different assets and strategies. Consider hedging your bets with options or futures contracts. This can help you stay afloat even if the market moves against you.

➡️ Stay flexible: Be prepared to pivot quickly if the market changes direction. Don't get stuck in a losing trade or a bad investment.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But what about the fundamentals? What about the revolution that Bitcoin is going to bring?" And I get it, I really do. But the truth is, the market doesn't care about your ideology or your hopes and dreams. It only cares about one thing: making money.

So, if you want to be prepared for Bitcoin's next move, take a pragmatic approach. Focus on the data, stay flexible, and don't get too attached to any one strategy or ideology. That’s Pragmatism.

It might not be the most exciting approach, but it's the one that's going to keep you in the game for the long haul.
