The current price of HBAR/USDT is at $0.28102, showing a decrease of 2.17% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour high was at $0.30022 and the low at $0.25251. The trading volume for HBAR was 1.11B and for USDT was 309.09M.
Based on the BOLL (20, 2) bands, the upper band is at 0.34826, the middle band at 0.30352, and the lower band at 0.25879. The next potential resistance is at 0.38572 and support at 0.33277.
📊 Trading Signal:
Based on the technical analysis, it is suggested to consider entering a long position with a target price of $0.38572 and a stop loss at $0.25879. Keep an eye on the price action to confirm the signal.