In the field of #DEFİ it is often necessary to exchange one stablecoin for another, and classic liquidity pools, when volumes are high and TVL is low, react with a rather strong influence on the price and exchange rate differences in general. For example, when there was news about the problems of the organization issuing $USDT on low-popular blockchains it was possible to buy USDT for 0.9 USDC.
In more popular DEXes the situation was better, due to constant arbitrage from other platforms in large amounts, because even if USDT costs 97 cents it is 3% profit in a few minutes.
Everything happens because the price of a coin is determined by the ratio of coins in the liquidity pool, and any swap takes one coin out of a liquidity pool and places the second coin of the pair. By the way, because of this peculiarity, even now the value of stablecoins on some DEXes can fluctuate by 0.5-2%.
To solve this problem, the main $TON blockchain's DEX - was introduced StableSwap, which, using specially developed algorithms, takes into account minimal changes in asset prices and provides the best possible Price Impact, predictability swap and swap fee. And for liquidity providers, it will also improve conditions and reduce volatile losses. In addition to this, the first stableswap pair on - $AquaUSD/$USDT was introduced to attract liquidity. Taking these factors into account, the APR of the pair of two stablecoins is 34.4%.
Thanks to the introduction of this technology, when you swap 1000 AquaUSD to USDT, the loss will be about 90 cents. In a pair with a similar TVL, let's say $MAJOR/$USDT, the losses will be about 10$.