Pavel Durov, the founder of #Telegram , is a visionary who transformed global communication. Born in 1984 in Russia, he first gained recognition as the creator of VKontakte (VK), Russia's leading social media platform. However, facing government pressure to compromise user privacy, Durov sold his VK shares in 2014 and shifted focus to a new project prioritizing freedom and security.
In 2013, he and his brother Nikolai launched Telegram, a messaging app built on speed, encryption, and user privacy. Telegram quickly gained global popularity, especially in the cryptocurrency community, where its channels and groups became essential for discussions and project updates.
Today, Telegram serves over 800 million users worldwide, standing as a testament to Durov’s commitment to innovation and principles. His journey inspires resilience, bold decision-making, and the pursuit of a vision that empowers users. Did you know that "Pavel Durov refuses to use a traditional smartphone on a daily basis and relies only on open source devices to enhance his personal security?"