If you had invested $100 in Stellar Lumens (XLM) at the beginning of January 2024, the price at that time was approximately $0.0868. With this amount, you would have been able to purchase around 1,152 XLM tokens ($100 ÷ $0.0868 = 1,152 XLM). Since the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, the price of XLM has fluctuated throughout the year. By late October 2024, the price of XLM had risen to approximately $0.0941.
Given the current price, the value of your 1,152 XLM tokens would now be approximately $108 ($0.0941 × 1,152 = $108). This reflects an 8% increase in value over the ten-month period. Although the growth is modest, it demonstrates how the price of Stellar has gradually recovered over the year following periods of volatility in the market.
Looking forward, Stellar's price predictions remain optimistic, with projections suggesting it could reach up to $0.12 by the end of 2024. If that happens, your initial investment would be worth around $138 by the end of the year. Furthermore, long-term forecasts suggest potential gains, with some predicting the price could reach $0.25 by 2030.
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