Pi Network is gaining attention as an innovative cryptocurrency with a unique supply mechanism and growing potential for everyday use. Unlike Bitcoin (BTC), where the total supply is fixed at 21 million, Pi’s supply is dynamic. It increases only as users mine coins through the mobile app. This means the supply reflects the total amount mined by its 75 million users so far, adding a sense of fairness and real-time growth.

When comparing Pi Network to BTC, Pi is more accessible for daily transactions. It comes with a built-in “scan and pay” feature in the Pi wallet, making it quick and easy to buy or sell goods in both online and offline shops. In contrast, BTC’s high transaction fees and slower processing times make it less practical for small, day-to-day purchases.

A key distinction is that every Pi user is fully KYC (Know Your Customer) verified, ensuring that illegal activities like money laundering or buying drugs are far less likely. This is a significant advantage over BTC, where anonymity often raises concerns about unlawful use.

Pi Network is set to launch its mainnet by the end of December 2024. With businesses already accepting Pi as a payment method and more preparing to join, the ecosystem is poised for widespread adoption. The Pi team is committed to KYC-verifying every user and transferring mined coins to their wallets before the mainnet launch, further solidifying Pi as a legitimate and widely usable currency.

Pi’s approach could position it as a “central decentralized currency,” combining the benefits of a decentralized system with the reliability and safety of a KYC-compliant network. This makes Pi a strong contender for everyday transactions, potentially more so than BTC, especially for small-scale purchases.

Pi Network has a distinct approach to supply. For the first 100 million users, each miner has a fixed supply cap, ensuring that no one can mine more than their share. Early adopters and believers in the project stand to benefit the most, as they are rewarded for their loyalty and time spent mining. This is not a pyramid scheme—no one is paying others or receiving payments from recruits. Instead, it’s a system where committed users help secure the network while earning Pi in return.

This model presents a clear and revolutionary concept that has the potential to reshape the way we use digital currencies. By rewarding user loyalty and involvement without monetary exchanges between participants, Pi Network fosters a fair and sustainable ecosystem.

The value of 1 Pi coin has been listed at $40 on various exchanges, reflecting growing market interest. Moreover, the success of the recent GCV (Global Consensus Value) events, where Pi was pegged at an impressive $314,159, marks a significant turning point. These events underscore the massive potential of Pi Network, demonstrating how valuable the coin could become if a unified consensus is established among users and businesses.

This high valuation is possible if everyone aligns on this vision and businesses start adopting Pi for transactions at this value. It highlights the power of community consensus and the potential for Pi to be used in buying and selling across a broad spectrum of markets, both online and offline. With Pi Network’s decentralized and community-driven model, achieving this value is not just theoretical—it’s completely within reach if the ecosystem grows as envisioned.




