As the 2024 U.S. election looms, crypto assets are shaping voter preferences. Grayscale has released a report based on a survey of over 1,800 likely voters that reveals some surprising perspectives on crypto and the election cycle.

The report, Election 2024 The Role of Crypto – September 2024, unveils growing awareness and support for crypto among Americans, and outlines how candidates’ stances on regulation and innovation could sway the outcome of the election.

🔸Implications for Crypto and the 2024 Election

Cryptocurrencies are no longer a niche concern but a mainstream issue for a growing segment of the American electorate. As digital assets become further embedded in financial systems, voters are demanding that candidates address crypto regulation and innovation directly. For 2024, this means that both major parties must take clear positions on the future of crypto policy, or risk alienating a rapidly growing voter base.

Candidates who support sensible and transparent regulation could potentially sway undecided voters, particularly those who are concerned about financial innovation and economic inclusion. With 45% of voters believing that cryptocurrency can create a more inclusive financial system, the candidate who presents a well-balanced policy that fosters innovation while ensuring security could find favor among both younger and more tech-savvy voters.

Additionally, the report suggests that crypto regulation may play a pivotal role in voter turnout. Among respondents, 1 in 5 said they would be more inclined to participate in the election if cryptocurrency policies were part of the conversation. This is especially true for younger voters, a demographic traditionally difficult to mobilize. With cryptocurrencies serving as a bridge to engage them, candidates may find that embracing crypto not only aligns them with the future of finance but also boosts turnout in their favor.

🔸Key Findings from the Report

The survey highlights that a majority of voters (53%) are now familiar with cryptocurrencies, reflecting the mainstreaming of digital assets in American consciousness. Among them, 46% believe that blockchain and cryptocurrencies represent the future of finance, a notable indicator of the increasing role that these technologies play in the minds of the electorate.

Voters are evenly split on which political party handles crypto policy better, signaling that neither Republicans nor Democrats have taken a decisive lead in shaping the narrative. Around 27% of respondents view Democrats as more supportive of innovation in the crypto space, while 25% believe Republicans are the party to advance crypto-friendly policies. This divide indicates a unique opportunity for both parties to clarify their positions and appeal to crypto-conscious voters. However, conservative voters are less likely to own crypto assets.

The report also notes that clear regulations around crypto could drive more widespread adoption. A significant portion of voters (20%) expressed that they would be more likely to invest in digital assets if there were greater regulatory clarity. Furthermore, among current crypto owners, 91% are paying close attention to how presidential candidates approach cryptocurrency and blockchain policies, signaling that crypto-related issues could become a deciding factor in their vote.


The 2024 election presents a unique moment for cryptocurrencies to assert themselves in the political landscape. With a significant proportion of the electorate looking to crypto policy as a deciding factor, candidates must now grapple with the challenge of presenting coherent, forward-thinking strategies that address regulatory concerns while fostering innovation. As the report shows, the future of finance is an issue that could sway voters—and potentially the election. Crypto isn’t just a fringe issue anymore; it’s a topic with the power to shape the future of U.S. politics.

By framing the debate around clear regulations and a pro-innovation stance, candidates can position themselves at the forefront of a rapidly evolving financial landscape, appealing to a diverse and growing segment of the voting population. The report serves as a clear reminder: in 2024, crypto could be the key to securing the presidency.

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