Not long ago, we received a comprehensive research piece on Bitcoin mining. The author shares his 33-month-long experience in mining, offering invaluable insights for those looking to start their own crypto mining journey. This article is highly recommended for anyone who wants to understand the intricacies, challenges, and potential returns and costs of mining. The information has been verified and is considered very close to reality by our editorial team. Due to understandable reasons, the author has chosen to remain anonymous.

I. Introduction

II. Understanding the Basics

III. Hypothesis and Strategy

IV. My Personal Mining Farm

V. ASIC-Hosting and Cloud Mining

VI. Results and Insights



Good day, dear reader!

Let's agree right away: progress is a terrible force! Progress slows down when people are not doing their job. Period.

It is the human-hours and labor costs that are the real equivalent of value (and at the same time a very fair criterion of hyperinflation), unlike securities, government banknotes of all countries, and other binding relations subject to fluctuations in value, such as devaluation.

Today, children buy NFT sneakers with their pocket money, and tomorrow these sneakers are sold in virtual reality for hundreds of thousands of dollars — the next day they still cost $0. But the point is — the paradigm is being transformed before our eyes, which means we must change with it or accept the fact that very soon we will find ourselves on the outskirts of civilization.

We see a lot of earning opportunities for those who have been in the market for a long time, and for "fresh meat". The approach is important. The desire is important. Time is important.

It is time, our most valuable resource, and at the same time our Achilles heel. When we are in suspense and anticipation, time goes slower and waiting becomes simply painful. It is not news that this fact works both ways. When I started (I've been in the crypto market since about 2016, in general, in investments since 2010) there were no data/textbooks/movies/business coaches regarding our meeting today; Melanie Swan's works hardly gained deserved popularity and online casinos were just starting. However, people caught up in the idea, having no external data, tested hypotheses "with their own hands".

Today I propose to summarize some of the events of recent years. YEARS, because I stopped believing in the "short distance" in first 5 years of my investment experience, for fans of "fast money" it is suggested to leave this text, it is not for you. Those who do not understand what mining is, please also do not suffer and leave the text alone.

Understanding the Basics

Coins, ICO, DeFi, NFT and the like have gained frenzied popularity and now it does not seem that they will ever die or collapse and so on. And it seemed so to many, much earlier. For example, to us. Having understood the basics of distributed currencies, it became clear that the basis of the basics is mining. So I started looking for opportunities to calculate the payback. At the time of 2016, it was difficult to calculate — there were simply no intelligible calculators or services. GPU or ASIC? What is the difference?

One thing was clear — stay away from “shitcoins”. I chose S9. Everything worked and I really liked it. After about 2 years, there were already ~20 machines in my farm. There are quite a lot of troubles with the equipment — it makes noise, rattles, breaks down, and in general, if you do not live alone and not in the forest, you will interfere with everyone, by default. It wouldn't hurt to also understand the hardware. This was noticeably lacking for me. Therefore, at the same time, I met and hosted representatives of mining sites and diversified into cloud mining. I lived outside the city. I kept the miners in my garage. Their price have been growing strongly following the market. By the end of 2017, the euphoria had begun. My farm rose significantly in price. It began to seem to me that I would be engaged in mining all my life.

Hypothesis and Strategy

Then came the recession. A long 2018. Cloud mining and mining sites scam people one after another, along with ICOs and crypto exchanges; equipment fell in price multiple times; hashrate was not enough to even pay for the electricity. It's a great time to reflect on an investment strategy after ruining my first attempt to start decrypting blocks.

The strategy is based on the hypothesis that the event itself — Halving — generates a shortage (deficit) of liquidity in the market. And also the fact that this is a cyclical process. This hypothesis also suggests that Bitcoin will be better distributed = become more popular = excessive demand may be achieved (as it already happened, by that time). In 2018, even against the backdrop of a severe recession, such an assumption could well be allowed.

The strategy is based on the hypothesis that the event itself — Halving — generates a shortage (deficit) of liquidity in the market. And also the fact that this is a cyclical process. This hypothesis also suggests that Bitcoin will be better distributed = become more popular = excessive demand may be achieved (as it already happened, by that time). In 2018, even against the backdrop of a severe recession, such an assumption could well be allowed.

Let's go back to the hypothesis — sort of — it's a chicken and egg question (what happened before — Lack of liquidity or Excessive demand), with one exception — in the context of Bitcoin, we have the answer: first there was a Block, which means a Transaction. The number of network participants = the popularity of the network, which means the expected explosive growth may be associated with the hype around decentralization and autonomous systems. So far, everything fits together.

elf means an increase in new network participants, which means an increase in the difficulty of the network = a decrease in the block reward, and this may affect the profit of my investment, or, even worse, make my mining unprofitable. And I also found it appropriate to admit this, especially realizing that the industry is very young, and expectations from the capabilities of distributed registries, both in the key of data storage and from the perspective of decentralized financial

However, from the point of view of mining, the high popularity of Bitcoin and mining itself means an increase in new network participants, which means an increase in the difficulty of the network = a decrease in the block reward, and this may affect the profit of my investment, or, even worse, make my mining unprofitable. And I also found it appropriate to admit this, especially realizing that the industry is very young, and expectations from the capabilities of distributed registries, both in the key of data storage and from the perspective of decentralized financial instruments, seemed very rosy to me.

Distributed ledgers and everything related to them have looked and continue to look, to date, as a trend for the next 20-50 years and, I believe, no one has any doubts about this.

The next step, I began to build a strategy. I drew attention to the fact that in the period between Halvings, the price of both hardware and Bitcoin could decrease up to 75% of ATH and below. Thus, 2018-2019 could be an ideal period for shopping.

es periods when the value of Bitcoin will decrease significantly (we have already talked about this earlier — up to 75%), what did this mean specifically for me? Considering all the introductory of the hypothesis itself, it becomes clear that there are likely periods of such a decrease in the value of the Bitcoin price and a simultaneous increase in the difficulty of the network, when my project could become unprofitable. I was both concerned about the risks and intrigued by the possibilities.

My Personal Mining Farm

Here we will describe the introductory information on equipment, electricity and budgets; consider mining in dynamics, and also try to assess the success of the investment. I'll make a reservation right away. I don't understand much about wiring, technology, etc. I did what I could for myself. If not, I asked my friends. I preferred to focus on the number of machines.

Mining is an agile investment, introductory notes can appear every day, in this regard, it would be more convenient to carry out the presentation through a more voluminous diary format, however, the brevity of the presentation, as well as due to the absence of such (diary), I averaged the amount of data a little, and formalized it by quarters, starting from April 20, 2019 to January 2022, 33 months or almost 11 quarters. And so the FARM:

My Farm | START


So my personal farm cost about $110k. Whether it's a lot or a little, decide for yourself. It must be said that this experience and figures can be safely narrowed/expanded based on the number of available amount of kW and your budget.

ASIC-Hosting and Cloud Mining

At various times, I bought some already launched ASIC miners on different mining hotels that I met. I also bought shares in various cloud mining companies. Sometimes contracts, sometimes real equipment. The table below will describe the investments and organizations with which I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to cooperate, collectively, "trusting" them with about an additional $30k.

Cloud Mining | START

Platforms, Total $27.5K invested, 5.26% in Each:

So that’s the way I decided to distribute the "risky" part of my investment. I took it as 25% of the total capital distributed to my own farm. $27.5k or ~$1,447 for each project. This is how my "mining portfolio" looked like.

Who could have guessed, that, how many of these companies would SCAM their customers and shut down forever. It seems that it was possible to assume so, but a real investor always knows at what price he is given confidence in a startup. More precisely, he knows a specific amount.

Results and Insights

Before summing up, it is necessary to note a lot of important circumstances — mining is not an “easy-money” stuff; only an overly enthusiastic person will build his own farm. Someone could call such a person probably a madman. However, "if the goal is chosen, there can be no room for doubt." I decided to get this experience at all costs, and the main conclusion that I could make for myself was to carefully choose and trust professionals. Bitcoin mining can deprive you of nerves, hair on your head, a young bride, a beloved home, all savings, and so on. Be careful and attentive; otherwise the market will eat you.

Let's sum up with My Farm and Equipment:

My Farm | FINISH

Hardware conclusions at the end:

There is no research without its conclusions. I would not like to stretch this part too much, especially since all the information, if necessary, can be viewed more extensively by searching the Internet.

  • Whatever the equipment is, it breaks down. Often. Sometimes too often. If you are planning a large data-center, stock up on repair parts for your machines. Otherwise, you risk getting into a situation where 2/3 of the workers are DEAD, waiting for repairs.

  • The absence of moisture is an almost irreplaceable circumstance. Temperature changes will also not affect the equipment in the best way. In a word — keep an eye on the weather conditions.

  • The manufacturer's warranty is rather a fiction. In fact, the road + repair + the road back + custom fees in both directions. In general, owners of medium-large farms are contraindicated.

  • The Service of miners is an important part of mining itself. Usually the skills of the solder guy are enough to close most of troubles. However, the presence of a person capable of soldering the burned-out board will save you a lot of money in the future.

  • Experiments with heat dissipation — by spending less energy on workers, you accelerate the payback of the project. There are different ways to reduce costs. The most effective ways are to heat something with ASIC machines that may have commercial benefits (greenhouses, etc.)

  • Experiments with hardware — as a result, the possibility of "crossbreeding" of the equipment under a single power supply unit was almost immediately discovered, obtaining doubled productivity and reducing electricity costs.

  • Dust protection — miners must either be protected from dust, or they need to be regularly purged. Depending on the amount of dust in the room (container/garage), it is recommended to vacuum clean the machines at least 2 times a month.

  • Noise isolation - if there is a chance that you will interfere with someone, it is better to think about it in advance. There are various ways to isolate the sound, but I think it's worth initially choosing a place where you will not disturb anyone.

  • Uninterrupted electricity supply is all-important if your farm’s located in a conditionally "wild" district. Downtime costs money.

  • Stable Internet connection — you don't need fast internet to mine Bitcoins. But stable is necessary. The blocks weigh a little, but any delays in connection speed are fraught with a decrease in profits.

  • The safety of the equipment — see for yourself. If there is at least a ghostly chance that the miners are in danger — change the place. 90% of security problems are due to the fact that people like to chat. Take care of yourself — do not lose your farm into other people's traps.

  • Experiments with an electric power source are usually very costly. If your budget is enough for a gas-turbine installation, the payback of your mining will probably be accelerated for decades; but the expediency of such a purchase should also be reflected in the budget.

Next, it is proposed to consider a table dedicated to quarterly profit/loss. In the comments, I will write about what happened to the farm all this time. Recall that 1 kW/h of energy costs the farm $0.034. The first 3 quarters were a quiet mining period. Almost no dead machines. Frequent maintenance pays off. Electricity is consumed normally. Of these, the first 2 quarters, when all the workers were turned on, the electricity bill was still slightly different, due to uneven consumption and floating power. The differences fit into $10. Taking into account the amounts, I think that the convenience of calculations will not be harmed by the fact that I recorded them the same.


Calculations Quarterly:

Quarters 1-6

Quarters 7-11

  1. Selling Bitcoins appeared to me as $1,163,699.

  2. Let's deduct the electricity budget. Now we have $1,125,749.

  3. And of course the equipment in the amount of 130 pcs S9 [13.5Th]. I put up for sale in a lot together with those that I did not have time to repair. it was possible for me to sell for $143,000.

Finally it's $ 1,268,749. The price of Bitcoin had already gone down to $43k by that time.

Also, unclaimed ~ $11k "returned" from the budget laid on the electricity. I consider it expedient to add them to the total, then it’s $1,279,749. Container, after the sale of the farm, it was also decided to sell. The increased demand for mining provided an increase in the cost of components. As a result + another $4,200. Of course, there was a costly part. The repair of miners is an expensive event. But when it comes to dozens of broken machines, it is important to keep yourself in hand. Having laid down the fiat expenses initially, I did not see any other way, than to pay for the repair of the machines, additionally in fiat. I did not plan to sell coins before I was ready to sell the whole farm.

The Repairs ☠️

As you can see, when it comes to mining, it also comes to some repairs. I didn't expect that at all. Really interesting is the fact I didn't get any budget for extra parts for the machines. And the price for the parts fluctuated as much as the price of the specific ASIC machine and the price of Bitcoin itself. Here's what I have repaired on my farm during the whole event:

  • Coolers exchanged [240pcs] x ~$13 ≈ $3,120

  • Control boards [140pcs] x ~$70 ≈ $9,800

  • Power supply unit [113pcs] x ~$50 ≈ $5,650

TOTAL [repairs] ≈ $18,570, let’s just take it as $20k because of fluctuating of the initial price.

💰 Final amount looks kinda like a $1,284,000 ±3% of profit. Those numbers are final.

But that's not all, folks (although at first it seemed that this part of my investment in mining would be scammed under the bench of all "mining offices" in the process), cloud mining and hosting still bore fruit. In the current halving, the benefit has not found its expression in the material equivalent. However, "investments in organizations" allowed me to immerse myself in the process remotely, draw conclusions on the market and its participants, as well as acquire partnerships for the next cycle, before which there is very little time left. Now I know exactly who is who, who I work with, and who to stay away from.

Below it is proposed to summarize the investment in cloud mining.

Cloud Mining | RESULTS

…and conclusions:

Of course, investments in cloud mining began to pour in and close almost immediately. thanks to diversification, of course, I have kept a small part of the investment portfolio. During my work, I got acquainted with the cloud mining founders who survived. From myself, I can add the only advice — be attentive to your counterparty if you start investing in mining without owning the equipment personally.

Of course, investments in cloud mining began to pour in and close almost immediately. thanks to diversification, of course, I have kept a small part of the investment portfolio. During my work, I got acquainted with the cloud mining founders who survived. From myself, I can add the only advice — be attentive to your counterparty if you start investing in mining without owning the equipment personally.

At first, such a death of "capital" shocked me, but with experience, conclusions are the came. At the moment, of the remaining cloud mining, I will continue relations with only some companies: Bitdeer, Genesis Mining and BeMine.

Bitdeer - at first seemed attracted by the fact that it works on behalf of Bitmain itself. That is, the company is positioned as Chinese, but registered in Singapore. In fact, no one is responsible for Bitdeer. I didn't have any serious problems with them. however, the site is OFF very often. As a result, nothing could be done. Because of this, withdrawals of funds were delayed many times. I must say that the delay in withdrawals of funds, a trait inherent in all cloud mining without any exceptions. Someday regulation will allow companies to fully report their money flows. Possibly under pressure from the authorities; maximum transparency will be achieved. Who knows? But now, as some say, "sorry for the twitching on the audit" the support is not very open, as is the organization itself — they were very shy about any of my attempts to take the initiative and get to know each other better, see the place, the machines or whatever, even taking into account my investment interests outside of their cloud mining services.

oin mining experience. The contract for the X11 algorithm simply got scammed. You can't purchase it no longer, and deposits are not returned. In support, they throw up their hands. Yields are very low compared to the rest. This is also a very common phenomenon. It is worth accepting that you will earn much less in cloud mining than in real mining from the very beginning. That's why it's "cloudy", apparently. the reliability of the counterparty plays an important role here, If there is a desire to scale your farm, or if for some reason you are not ready to deal with it yourself. In other words, "if only they didn't get scammed and Bitcoins are still mining" one can't even dream of anything else. YET.

BeMine is a young Eastern-European company. After spending a few months checking the company from time to time, I understood that these are real people, with real data centres, absolutely fair prices for electricity and equipment, and most importantly, a very kind administration. BeMine has in its arsenal various mining opportunities, both on contracts and on ASICs + on different algorithms. I especially liked their ideas. To establish a free market of already hosted Terahashes and give users the P2P-like opportunity to buy and sell capacities — probably someday will change the regulators' view of the market as a whole, and will forever send cloud mining scams into circulation. I purchased tokens with capital separated from mining right after I realized that their ideas were not just limited to digital. I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the founders - open, capable guys. If it is possible to single out any company, among others, I 1000% single out this one.

Summing up on cloud mining, we can draw several conclusions at once — it is almost always a scam. Almost always your money will disappear and become someone else's. Almost. Having got acquainted with the companies in the table above, I not only lost, but also gained. For example, reliable contractors who are ready to accept my equipment in the next cycle. Many companies appeared and closed after I invested my high-risk part of the portfolio. I didn't plan to expand it anymore, and I didn't see any sane competitors. To the companies that took my money and closed, I also send my fervent greetings. I hope you need this money more, gentlemen. :)re, gentlemen. :)


Tremendous experience. A rather big period of life.

The whole process comes back to me as an endless hurricane, eternal rushing (from "which ASIC machine is better to buy" to "how to pull the wiring to my data-center”), the constant waiting mode and, mainly, losses. both time and nerves, vitality and means. The conclusions that I described above came to me largely thanks to bitter experience.

Personal farm profits over quarters

If only at the beginning of the journey, I knew everything that I described in this manifest-mining-study — I would have saved a lot of time, effort and money (!), but even without all of this, the result suits me quite well. It is important to trust the process. Once imbued with the ideas of a decentralized ledgers, it is impossible to renounce them. The fairest system in the world, rewards those of its participants who know how to wait and believe.

We consider mining a business of enthusiasts. We also believe that mining is increasingly striving to become a large institutional structure — equipment is becoming more expensive, it is becoming more expensive and problematic to maintain it. That is, you are either an enthusiast or a money bag, otherwise it is better to entrust your mining to someone else, since there are already services selling mining capacities by shares.

My investment flirtations with cryptocurrency mining brought their fruits, mainly due to deep study of the essence of the issue, long preparation and calculation for medium-term investments. Not in the last place is personal investment "watchfulness" — this quality is offered to train independently, or to acquire an unbiased stockbrocker (almost impossible).

For people who are not ready to devote more than 8 hours of personal time to their "investment ideas" every day, it is suggested to try yourself as a manager in a car dealership, an artist, a cook, an indefatigable tap dancer, a liberal, a democrat or a master of nails — otherwise, the investment business is likely to destroy you.

Restless, mentally suspicious, as well as people with incontinence (of any kind), it is proposed to bypass cryptocurrency mining by the side. For you, the business models are described in detail and are in a monopoly box.

Everyone else, aspiring, interested, inspired, developing, tormented by their ideas at night and tormenting their loved ones and homemates for the same reason, in an attempt to find a sustainable business model providing sane x's at a sane distance — welcome home. Take it seriously and it will be rewarded to you multiple times.

Bitcoin is the most distributed cryptocurrency on the planet and its role cannot be ignored in the economic context, it has yet to become a user-friendly, transparent and controllable. BTW now is the start of the cycle — a great moment to start moving your brains. Good luck.

— regards, Marcello Muzerevich

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