$饾棝饾棤饾棪饾棫饾棩 饾椂饾榾 饾棬饾椈饾棻饾棽饾椏 饾棪饾棽饾椏饾椂饾椉饾槀饾榾 饾棫饾椀饾椏饾棽饾棶饾榿; 饾棓 饾椇饾棽饾椈饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈饾棽饾棻 饾槅饾椉饾槀 饾棿饾槀饾槅饾榾 饾棾饾椏饾椉饾椇 饾棗饾棶饾槅 饾椉饾椈饾棽 饾榿饾椉 饾棪饾棽饾椆饾椆 饾槅饾椉饾槀饾椏 饾棝饾棤饾棪饾棫饾棩 饾椂饾榾 饾棯饾椂饾榾饾棽 饾椇饾椉饾槂饾棽
Really A big Loss for those who hold $HMSTR .. Everyday it's going down .. Too much lost..
The $HMSTR /USDT trading pair has experienced a noticeable decline today, falling by 9.42% to a current price of $0.005344 on Binance.
This downtrend is evident in the coin's trading pattern, which saw a high of $0.006168 and dipped to a low of $0.005260 within the last 24 hours.
Despite the decrease, the trading volume remains substantial, with 11.88 billion $HMSTR exchanged, amounting to $68.24 million USDT.
This significant activity indicates a robust interest among traders, although the current market sentiment leans towards caution as investors react to the coin's recent performance.
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #hamsterkombat24 #HamsterKombat #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #moonbix