Today Chrono T AKA @Aeon_Smash is taking over to share their creative journey! 🛠️

Q: How did you get started creating?

A: I remember when I was about 10 years old, I started making flip book animations in small hand notebooks. Then, in 2011, I stumbled upon a Blender tutorial on YouTube one night. It showed how to turn a cube into a fluid with different viscosities and watch it splash around. This blew my mind! However, at the time, I had a lot going on in my life and didn't really use Blender until around 2015.

By then, I was playing a game on my phone, and the thought of seeing my 2D castle setup in 3D intrigued me. This began my complete immersion in Blender. I spent months learning so many things, including animation and particle physics for cloth and fluid simulations. But the common theme continued, as only a handful of people ever saw what I was doing. I wasn't trying to make a profit, but I wanted people to see my work.

When I finished school in the fall of 2021, I was taking a break to relax and do what I wanted, and I found Decentraland. This also blew my mind! I was like, "Oh man!" But I thought I was too late. I thought, "Wow, I don't have time to even learn how to catch up with these creators."

So, for the longest time, I was hanging out in Wondermine with friends, freestyling on the mic and just having fun. But then I found @KJWalker3D's Decentraland tutorials and started to learn how to build in Decentraland.