According to Odaily, DekaBank has announced the acquisition of a €100 million digital registered mortgage bond issued by Natixis Pfandbriefbank. This marks the first issuance of such bonds in Germany, utilizing the SWIAT permissioned blockchain. Natixis Pfandbriefbank is an indirect subsidiary of Groupe BPCE, the fourth-largest banking group in France. DekaBank also serves as the registrar and payment agent for this transaction. SWIAT was co-founded by DekaBank and LBBW, with SC Ventures of Standard Chartered also participating in the investment. The platform has been involved in several wholesale DLT settlement tests by the European Central Bank, although the bonds issued in this instance were not part of those tests. Earlier this month, SWIAT was involved in another mortgage-related bond issuance, a €100 million secured digital bond issued by Berlin Hyp, a subsidiary of LBBW.