According to Odaily, on August 27, a bill requiring artificial intelligence companies to be more transparent about the data used to train their models was passed by the California legislature. The bill will now be presented to Governor Gavin Newsom, who has yet to comment on it. This legislative move aims to enhance the accountability and safety of AI technologies by ensuring that the data sources and methodologies used in AI training are disclosed and scrutinized. This measure is seen as a significant step towards regulating AI in a manner similar to other technologies that pose potential risks to the public.

In related news, Elon Musk expressed his support for the bill on the X platform, stating, 'This is a tough decision that will make some people uncomfortable, but overall, I believe California should pass the SB-1047 AI Safety Bill. For over two decades, I have been an advocate for AI regulation, just as we regulate any product or technology that has potential risks to the public.' Musk's endorsement highlights the growing consensus among tech leaders on the need for stringent AI regulations to ensure the technology's safe and ethical development.