Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was reportedly arrested in France on August 24, 2024. The arrest occurred as Durov landed at the Bourget airport near Paris, allegedly facing multiple charges including terrorism, trafficking, conspiracy, and money laundering. However, these reports remain unconfirmed, with no official details disclosed by French authorities. Durov, a prominent figure in the tech and crypto communities, is known for his staunch advocacy for privacy and free speech, which has fueled speculation about the motivations behind his arrest.

The incident has had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market, particularly on Toncoin (TON), a cryptocurrency closely associated with Telegram. Following the news, Toncoin's value dropped by over 10%, reflecting panic among traders. Despite this, some analysts suggest that Toncoin could rebound, drawing parallels to similar market reactions seen in the past with other cryptocurrencies like Binance's BNB.
#PavelDurov #TelegramCEO #Telegram