Are you holding Dogs tokens ? 💎

Then this information is for you 🚀

According to the Market Cap of #Dogs is near around 🤓

$DOGS Token locks over $6 billion on Binance Launchpool in three days. 🎯

Launch delayed to August 26th due to unexpected demand and registrations. 🎯

Major exchanges listing DOGS Token with promotional events and prize pools. 🎯

The project started as a “tap-to-earn” game where users can earn tokens through simple actions on their devices. The major contribution behind its popularity is the airdrop campaign.

The DOGS team distributed 400 billion tokens to approximately 42 million eligible Telegram users based on account age and activity. 🔑

The distribution plan allocates 81.5% to the community, 10% to the development team, and 8.5% for exchange listings and liquidity.

After these all research the price predictions are near around $0.0011 🤓

Calculate how much dollars you are holding ? 🏆

Want to know more about?

@Aman Sai