Ethena has made a significant move by transferring 6 billion ENA ($2.17 billion) from two known multisignature wallets to two new normal wallets in the past few hours:

3.2 billion ENA ($1.16 billion) was transferred to the new wallet 0xcfc40d4ECa21F60D329F1E6b9B3D6069EaA20BBC.

2.8 billion ENA ($1.01 billion) was transferred to the new wallet 0xc4E512313dD1cE0795f88eC5229778eDf1FDF79B.

The multisignature addresses involved in these transfers are:

Multisign Address 1: 0x688Ae58eBD684b3C475c81584F976593930CA67F

Multisign Address 2: 0xd4b34207a671b813b5e66d31ea0b0a9849de9bc1

These transfers may be part of internal movements within Ethena.

Currently, 5.06 billion ENA ($1.79 billion) remains in the two multisignature addresses.

#Ethena! #ethena_labs #eyeonchain $ENA