1. Michi Dev’s Power Move: Michi Dev, worth $400M, bought 75% of the $PHAT token supply and then burned all of it.

2. Limited Supply Means High Demand: After burning 75%, Michi Dev bought another 13% and locked it away for 2 months. With less $PHAT available, prices can rise much faster. When supply dries up, especially when the market cap hits around $3.5M, the token's value will skyrocket.

3. Constant Activity Boosts Visibility: Small transactions are happening all the time, keeping $PHAT at the top of the rankings. Running these transactions costs 3 SOL every 2 hours, which shows the project has serious funding, likely from Michi Dev’s backing.

4. Meme Power + RuneScape Connection: The meme behind $PHAT is funny and has a strong connection to the RuneScape community, many were early Bitcoin adopters. This gives the token a solid cultural foundation and mindshare.

5. Whale Support: Big whales clipping $25K on $PHAT, and these whales are all millionaires. They are connected with michi dev (psyko) and buying because of him

6. Early Snipers Are Out: Most of the early investors looking for quick profits have cashed out (this cause the recent 60% correction).

Benefits of $PHAT:
- Still a low mc atm
- Psyko push it a lot on x
- Psyko burned a lot (40sol)
- Psyko locked 70k for 60 days
- Psyko said « hold that »

X: @phatsolana
Web: dextools.io/app/en/token/phat?t=1724114989740

What’s the color of your $phat ?